Κατασκήνωση Μαλεσίνας Γ.Γ.Α.Ε. 2010



Δελτίο Τύπου για το πρόγραμμα


1. Αίτηση Συμμετοχής - Application Form


2. Δελτίο Υγείας Κατασκηνωτή - Health Report


3. Πληροφορίες για την κατασκήνωση - Ιnfo about the camp και στο site της Γ.Γ.Α.Ε.


Ανακοίνωση της Γ.Γ.Α.Ε



Camp to Malesina, Greece (a few hours north of Athens),from 9-23 of August 2010, for 20 students from Victoria.

Student Criteria

  • At least one parent being of Greek background
  • Between the ages of  8 -12 (under 12 by the above date)
  • According to the parents, and a paediatrician?s medical report, the students must be willing and able to participate in the camp?s  educational and recreational program

All expenses, airfares to and from Greece, tours, accommodation, meals and medical cover are provided free by the Greek Government.

The application, a current photo, a birth certificate or passport and a medical report by a paediatrician stating that the child is physically and mentally healthy enough to travel and participate in the program.

Applications must be logged at the Education office of the Greek Consulate by 29th March 2010.

Appointments must be made at the Education Office to interview the student with both parents, (even if they happen to be divorced).
